Plenty of signals were happening and an assortment of finds came up. Kevin Webb found a small cannon and a pair of thimbles, Liz McGlasson had a Roman Brooch and a silver ring, Paul Williams also found a ring and a Charles II Farthing. Colin Davies unearthed a watch winder, a coin and some Buckles, Robert Jenkins got a Jews Harp and copper coins along with some Buckles, a thimble and a badge of the Amalgamated Engineering Union. Lesley Foxwell found a Penknife, a piece of silver, a farmer's token and some copper coins. A.J. discovered his very first Hammered Edward I His father, "senior Llewelyn", unearthed a gold ring. Well done both! Buffer had a Victorian Three pence; Bob Ramsey found a George V Shilling. A great day and a very good turnout of club members. The owner of the site did not want any payment from us for this dig, so we are donating the usual £200 to the West Midlands Air Ambulance charity and having the Thank you letter sent directly to him.
Another great day out, thanks to our Land Finder Granville for getting this site for us. Byron Matthews vice-chair. |
As usual some people were luckier than others. The Star find of the day went to Phillip Tucker who found a Gold Edward IV Angel, what a great find. He also found a watch winder and a musket ball. Phil Doing his Gold dance ..... |
Emlyn Phillips also had a sixpence, his was George VI dated 1937. Tina Pople was on the silver too finding a Victorian sixpence dated 1857. Mark Street found a silver Victorian brooch. Plenty of copper coins surfaced along with some spindle whorls and lots of us found "stair carpet" fixtures! |
Grant Williams was the lucky finder of a Roman coin. Adam Meacham had a nice day finding some silver, a George V three pence, a Bullhead sixpence of George III and an unrecognizable silver disc which turned out to be a Lizzie hammered when cleaned! Vince Rees also found a Lizzie hammered and what looks like a silver button. Kevin Davies unearthed a silver sixpence of George V dated 1910.
After the initial exodus to that field was over everyone made their way to the other fields and as usual the finds were varied. Shotties, coppers and bits of lead etc. came up for most of us, Mark Street found Georgian coppers, a Victorian coin, a Livery button and an Annular brooch. Lee Picton had three halfpennies, a buckle and a Musket ball. Carl Jones unearthed a George II penny and a George IV penny; Alan Jones was lucky in the token hunt field finding the token valued at £20! he also found a buckle and buttons. Phil Williams found a George V penny, a lead seal and an Apostle spoon. Steve Tucker had an Edward VII halfpenny dated 1902 and a George III penny.
We arrived at the rally site in plenty of time for the start. The fields were massive, approximately 50 acres of newly ploughed and flattened ground for the first and about 60 acres of previously detected land in the same condition as the next field. Although it had been raining most of the way up we were lucky as it stayed dry for the rest of the day.
The first find of note fell to Byron Matthews who unearthed a small Roman Fibula brooch, he also had a couple of grotty copper coins and buttons, Granville Thomas thought he had found gold but it turned out to be a French pre-decimal coin, a gold coloured 5 centimes coin dated 1984, unusual as decimal coinage was already in use in the 1970's, he also found a nice trade weight |
At the stroke of 10 o'clock we started our search and painted tokens were being found quite quickly along with some modern coins and many bottle tops etc. Vince Rees was very lucky finding five tokens and some decimal coins, Huw found two tokens as did Michael Chandler, Granville Thomas uncovered three tokens, adding to the total. The last I heard was nineteen of the twenty tokens had been found, so a good days hunting.
As we reached the site the coach still had a slight brush with a narrow bridge on a bend! All this excitement and we hadn't got there yet!!
We had to park the bus further up the road and walk back to the reporting marquee as there was no room with cars parked everywhere. We paid the organisers, gave them a list of all our attendees and then at last got onto the fields. In all there were eleven fields available, so plenty of choice. The ground was very wet but digging was easy. After about half an hour there was some frantic activity on field 9. It turned out that a hoard of Roman coins had been found, they cordoned the area off and sent for a FLO. But the rest of the huge field was still available to the rest of us. Plenty of Roman coins were being found and Roman brooches in varying condition. |
At lunchtime the raffle was held, we had been entered in to the free raffle for a Hamper and one of our own members "Mark Street" was the lucky winner. In the main raffle Byron Matthews won a book identifying Roman coins, very apt for the site and a pair of gloves. The finds our members found were prolific to say the least, in all 66 Roman coins were found and 9 Roman brooches in various condition. Ronnie Davies had ten Roman coins and a part Roman brooch, Mikey Davies had a Roman brooch and two Roman coins, Michael Francis found five Roman coins, a Roman ring and three Roman brooches. Jason Annereau found silver in the shape of a sixpence of Edward VII dated 1906. Robert Jenkins unearthed two Roman coins, Colin Davies found a silver thimble and Jeanna Davies had a buckle and a pistol ball. Alan Jones found two Roman coins and a partefact, George Jenkins found five Roman coins, a George V penny and a Georgian Halfpenny. Ken Evans had two Roman coins and a harness buckle, Gary Osgar unearthed four Roman coins and Alan Bufton discovered three Edward pennies in the same hole!
Mark Street found twelve Roman coins and two part Roman brooches, a Edward VII Halfpenny, along with the hamper of course! Byron Matthews had a part Roman brooch, a horn protector, a horse brass, a Georgian coin and two modern coins. Mark Watson found two Roman coins, a Roman brooch and a City of Bristol Farthing token dated 1652, Paul Minton had a Roman brooch a William III sixpence , a horn protector and a pot mend. Steve Tucker found a part Roman brooch and ring, a hammered coin of Mary, a Florin dated 1951 and a military button. Huw Jones had three Roman coins and buttons.
We arrived on site in plenty of time for the 10 o'clock start and were booked in and paid up en bloc. We were given a numbered ticket for the free raffle, which was drawn at lunchtime. After a briefing we spread out on the 13 fields available some which were stubble and pasture on the others. Underfoot the mud was heavy going, caking our wellies and spades, even the sloping pasture field was claggy!
Our members had varying degrees of luck, the luckiest was Mikey Davies who unearthed four hammered coins! a Lizzie dated 1574, a James I dated 1603 and two Charles I one being a shilling and the other a crown, he also found another silver in the shape of a George V sixpence dated 1920. Well done Mikey. |
Another hammered finder was Buffer with an Edward dated 1308. Emlyn Phillips found a crotal bell, two Roman coins, a George II penny and two George V coppers. Mark Street had a 1936 penny of George V, a Wren farthing, a halfpenny of unknown pedigree and a Pratts brass cap off a petrol can.
Byron Matthews found a Medieval buckle, three bag seals, a lead weight off a poachers net, a rifle pull-through and a pigeons ring. Alan Jones had a large ball which could well be a cannon ball. Carl Jones found half a crotal bell. Ronnie Davies found a buckle, Rob Pole unearthed a marker off a measuring chain and a 1947 George VI sixpence. Lesley Foxwell found a large key of the 17th century. Granville Thomas had an enamel badge and a musket ball. Mark Watson found two Roman coins. George Jenkins had a spindle whorl and some buttons. Martin Mahoney found a token, a thimble, half a Roman brooch and some bag seals. Steve Picton uncovered half of a woard grinder, a weight off a poachers net, a bag seal and some buttons. Paul Williams had part of a silver military badge and a marble made of coloured stone. Liz McGlasson found two Nuremberg Jettons, two Roman coins, a Tudor Pimple button and a flattened lead ring. Ken Evans using his Simplex detector for the first time on a rally found a large horse shoe and a brass Terret ring. Keith Browning found a damaged finger ring and some copper coins of undeterminable age. |
Tony Winter found a small padlock from a bracelet, a bun head Vicky halfpenny and a drawer handle. Vince Rees unearthed a pretty ring (below) adorned with two entwined hearts, some coppers and part of a lock escutcheon (right). Steve Picton found a coin which at first looked Roman because of the raised head but had what seemed to be a milled edge on it?
Mark Street found a halfpenny dated 1933, a very sought after date if it was a PENNY! hard luck Mark, he also had a .22 shell and some buttons. Alan Picton found quite a lot too including a complete large working horse bit (left), three coins, two buckles and buttons. Ian John uncovered a very nice ornate Medieval buckle (below) and a Canadian Nova Scotia coin.